The Rev. Mike + Jenny Seawright

Timeline of Call

2005: The Rev. Mike Seawright and his then-fiancee, Jenny, start their first Bible study together on the campus of Trinity University in San Antonio.

2007: Mike begins as an MDiv student at Fuller Theological Seminary and begins working with youth and young adults in Presbyterian churches in San Diego.

2008: Mike and Jenny start a Young Adults group at their church, which grows to 30+ young people.

2009: Jenny quits her corporate job to begin work with college students through InterVarsity at The University of San Diego, fundraising $55,000 for salary and ministry budget.

2011: Aiden is born and Mike graduates seminary. Jenny returns to the corporate world, and Mike begins work at USD with InterVarsity, picking up where Jenny left off.

2012: The work at USD rapidly multiplies, growing from 3 to 18 small groups, 12 to 50 leaders, and from 35 to 175 students, with 30-50 students coming to faith annually.

2013: Mike and Jenny hand-off the young adults group at their church and start a young families group.

2014: Mike attends a multi-day church-planting assessment retreat at the urging of the Presbytery of San Diego, while also beginning to network with Anglican church planters in both Southern California and the DC Metro area.

2015: Mike accepts a call to serve as Director of Family Ministries at Truro Anglican Church in Fairfax, VA. They move cross-country, settling in Burke, VA, so that Jenny could easily commute via train to her work in Crystal City.

2016: Mike and Jenny start a small group in Burke with a handful of newer Truro families who also live “South of Braddock.” Mike begins to serve on the diocesan Great Commission Committee, becoming involved with diocesan church-planting efforts.

2017: After learning the Mike and Jenny hope to plant a church following five years of service at Truro, the Rev. Sue Hardman plants a seed for a church plant in Burke. She confesses that she has been praying for a plant in Burke for 15 years.

2019: Mike is ordained to the diaconate and enters his fifth year at Truro. Mike and Jenny attend a weekend church-planting discernment retreat with the Rev. Canon Dr. Tom Herrick, and begin praying and planning for a church plant in Burke to begin taking shape in 2020.

2020 brings turmoil to Truro and a pandemic. Jenny and Mike continue to wait and pray. Mike is ordained to the priesthood. In the Fall of 2020, Mike and Truro’s Interim Rector begin discussing a Truro plant in Burke.

2021 brings more conflict to Truro, just as it seems the possibilities for a plant are picking up steam. Plans are again put on hold, and the Seawright’s continue to wait and pray.

2022: The small group the Seawright’s have been leading in their home since 2016 begins to grow rapidly. Childcare becomes necessary, and one group multiples to three. The Seawright’s begin praying and planning earnestly for a plant in Burke, trusting that their plans were put on hold twice for a reason. The Truro vestry begins to pray about sending the Seawright’s to plant a new church in Burke.

2023: The Rev. Jamie Brown, Truro’s rector, shares the Seawright’s call with the larger congregation, and invites Truro to join in praying for the leading of the Holy Spirit in this new work in Burke.